Showcase 2023


The National Sculpture Society Showcase in the Rosen Museum Galleries Portico at Brookgreen Gardens. The National Sculpture Society Showcase is a sponsorship agreement between the National Sculpture Society and Brookgreen Gardens to provide a location in the new Brenda and Dick Rosen Galleries Portico for a sculpture or sculptures selected by the NSS for exhibition and agreed upon by both parties.

This exhibition includes one work by six NSS grant recipients:

Steven Whyte (Stanley Bleifeld Memorial Grant, 2021)

Brett F. Harvey (Alex J. Ettl Grant, 2021)

Jeremy Bradshaw (Marilyn Newmark Memorial Grant, 2021)

Eric Serritella (Stanley Bleifeld Memorial Grant, 2022)

Elizabeth N. Jordan (Alex J. Ettl Grant, 2022)

Wendy Klemperer (Marilyn Newmark Memorial Grant, 2022)

The exhibition helps underscore the relationship between NSS and Brookgreen.