Amy Kann lives and works in Philadelphia. She is the Vice President of the National Sculpture Society. Her sculpture is part of the collections of The Smithsonian Museum, The British Museum, Brookgreen Gardens, The McNay Museum and The American Numismatic Society. She is represented by the Shay Graham Gallery. Her commissions include those from the All Souls Unitarian Church NYC, The Green Wood Cemetery, Seigel and Gale, Jane Bryant Quinn, The Beckman Institute, David Landsberg and Ted Tally. Articles about her work have been in American Art Collector, Sculpture Review and International Artist, Fine Art Connoisseur. Her awards include Gold and Bronze medals NSS, Best in Show and First Place from The Portrait Society of America, the 1st Place Award for Sculpture from the Salmagundi Club, The 2nd Place Award from The Pennsylvania State Museum along with numerous awards from the Allied Artists of America, The Red River Museum, The Audubon Society and the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Society.