Primary View: Sculpture in Relief

DEADLINE: July 12, 2024

The exhibition is open all sculptors. Realistic work inspired by nature is preferred.

Seeking reliefs for this special exhibition at the NSS Gallery. Reliefs in low, mid, and high relief will be eligible and jurors will consider all views on submitted reliefs, from primary (front) to secondary (side). All media will be considered (bronze, wood, stone, terracotta, paper, new materials). All entries will be juried anonymously from submitted images.

Works in fragile materials will be considered, but only on the condition that artists assume all responsibility for proper packaging and shipping of works. NSS will not be held responsible for any damages to sculpture no matter how or where it occurs.

Free for NSS Members in good standing.
$50 for non-NSS members.

NSS has limited wall space, so artists MUST ship their own appropriate-sized easels along with their sculpture to have it displayed. Pedestal-top easels or gallery floor easels will work but must be sturdy. Reliefs displayed on walls must not weigh more than 30 pounds.

July 12, 2024: Submissions deadline
August 2, 2024: Notification emailed to artists.
August 9, 2024: Information due back from artists (signed contract & submission specifics).
August 26-30 & September 3-6, 2024: Delivery of work to NSS Gallery.
September 16, 2024: Primary View opens.
December 20, 2024: Primary View closes.