Sculpture became a consuming passion for me relatively late in life, after archaeological fieldwork in Mexico, ethnographic fieldwork in NYC, work in Student Affairs and disability services at the University of Michigan, and tutoring at the Washtenaw County Jail. In classes and workshops I learned much from Eugene Daub, Lincoln Fox, Anthony Frudakis and Norma Penchansky-Glasser. I am also grateful for the critiques and encouragement I received from Marshall M. Fredericks, Walker Hancock, Enrique Moreiro, Robert A. Weinman, and Wesley Wofford, as well as the encouragement I’ve received from family, friends and passing acquaintances. I believe that love sees wondrously and hope that my medals, portraits and figures reflect the ineffable beauty of the human face, form and spirit. I agree with Rabindranath Tagore, the Bengali poet, who wrote “When I go from hence let this be my parting word, that what I have seen is unsurpassable.” For me sculpture is a way of giving thanks.