Since the age of fifteen, Emmanuel Fillion has always built forms and shape from divers materials. It came as almost a genetic predisposition to Fillion, who was born in Soissons, France, a region rich in history and limestone quarries. He began his career as a master apprentice, traveling extensively in France , first as a Stone carver then as a Sculptor. In 1994 he moved to California with the desire to move away from classicism and start his own creative studio. This is when a commission took him to Pietrasanta, Italy for the first time at which point he began sculpting in marble. In 2002, Fillion co-produced and hosted an educational documentary funded by the Annenberg Foundation, Through the Eyes of the Sculptor, in which he recounts the processes involved in creating a sculpture, by bringing the viewer to Pietrasanta. Emmanuel Fillion’s sculptures are made in white and black marble as well as in bronze.