ELI BEZIMANSKY was born in 1970 in the city of Moscow, an exuberant cultural center whose dazzling cosmopolitanism contributed to the formation of Eli’s kaleidoscopic vision.
The richly nuanced emotional palette of Symbolism was a major touchstone in Eli’s artistic development. Eli finds the fullest expression of his artistic credo in the mystical poetics of ancient civilizations, in Babylonian mysteries and Kabbalistic numerologies, the art of alchemy engendered by Hermes Trismegistus and the austere simplicity of Zen.
Together with his wife Marina they teach painting, sculpture, and art history to kids of various ages (from 5 to 18 y.o.) at their Aesthetic Center for children called Idea in Brooklyn, New York. Their own two sons Leo and Roman attend Idea and are considered the most interesting, creative and challenging ongoing projects in Eli’s life.