I started my sculpting career later in life, leaving a career I enjoyed and which brought me many adventures, in order to follow a dream I’ve had since grade school. While I will be experimenting with every kind of sculpture possible, I find that I especially enjoy portraiture, bas relief and medallic art. My art is about the in-between. I’ve always been fascinated with how other people can make us feel despite how we want to feel. It’s that momentary involuntary emotion right before we struggle to regain our public face that I try to convey in most of my work. I try to capture duplicity and the uncomfortable feeling when you’re really not sure what the other person means, and you bring all your baggage along as the official interpreter. I’ve fallen hard for the challenge of Bas relief, which is perfect for allegory, serious or absurd, and allows a sculptor to be a storyteller in greater detail; and art is all about the story.