Keropian Sculpture provides a variety of sculptural services: Including enlarging and reducing sculpture with a traditional 3 d pantograph, resin casting, anatomical studies, mold making, resin casting, restoration, consultation and instruction. In regard to enlarging/reducing sculpture. The pantographs were used since the 1900’s to facilitate the process of enlarging sculpture accurately. The manual process traces your model or original sculpture: Starting with creating a proper armature, foam to take up the space, and finally a layer of clay (usually plasticine) to desired thickness. I then trace your original sculpture and “scrape” the clay to the surface of the enlargement using a loop tool stylus. This copies your model’s surface in clay very accurately. The machine is limited to 1.25x to 6x. Most figure sculptures would be 2x-4x. Here are some pictures of the machine(s) in action and some projects I have done in the last forty years.