Myra knew she would be an artist at the age of six. She studied drawing and painting throughout her school years and, to assure her financial future, received a degree in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She married her high school sweetheart while in college and started a family. After her children were in school, she discovered sculpture and EvAngelos Frudakis. She studied with him for ten years.
Myra has received numerous public and private commissions throughout the United States as well as Sweden, France, the Republic of China, and Japan. Many portray children and all range in size from half- to life-size figures. She has exhibited her work in many juried shows including the National Sculpture Society, the National Academy of Design, the American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century, the American Artists Professional League; the Boca Raton Museum, the Philip & Muriel Berman Museum, the Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Pen and Brush, Allied Artists of America, the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Brookgreen Gardens, and the Woodmere Museum.
Her numerous awards include two Medals of Honor and the Harriet W. Frishmuth at CLWAC; the Bedi Makki and Mildred Victor from NSS; the Josephine Beardsley Sander, Dominico Facci, Edwin & Theresa Richard, and Pietro & Alfreda Montana at AAA; the Katherine Thayer Hobson, Elliot Liskin, Excalibur, and Margaret Sussman from the Pen and Brush; the Helen G. Oehler from AAPL and others.