Joseph Noorigian received his Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience with a minor in Chemistry from Vanderbilt University in 2002. After a decade in medical research at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and writing several published papers on neuropathology, Noorigian refocused his interest on sculpture. During his art studies, Noorigian received two scholarships from National Sculpture Society (2013 & 2014) and was a recipient of the “Leslie T. and Francis O. Posey Foundation Scholarship” (2014 & 2015). In recent years, he has won the “Certificate of Excellence” from the Portrait Society of America (2016 & 2017) and “The Brenda Kollman Award for Best 3D Work” at The Art League Patron’s Show Fundraiser (2018). Noorigian has taught sculpture at The Art League in Alexandria, Virginia and works as a Medallic Artist at the United States Mint in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.