2023 RMM Modeling Competition
On June 3, 2023, ten competitors will model from life during the Richard McDermott Miller Competition. They are:
Samuel Davis (VA)
Justin Kendall (NY)
Quintin McCann (UT)
Maia Williamson (NY)
The objective is to successfully model a bust from life (from the neck up), working from a live model. Modeling will be done in front of attendees of the Sculpture Celebration. The event will take place at the New York Academy of Art. The competitors receive a complimentary one-year Associate membership sponsored by the Robert J. Spring Endowment and MAF Foundation.
At the end of four hours, a Jury of Awards will distribute the following awards:
Richard McDermott Miller Prize of $3,000
Roger T. Williams Prize of $1,500
Walter & Michael Lantz Prize of $750
Participation Scholarships for each competitor are provided by the Charlotte Geffken endowment fund and by Green-Wood Cemetery, a National Historic Landmark in Brooklyn, NY. This year, four competitors received travel vouchers from JetBlue, courtesy of Jet Blue Airlines and Modern Art Foundry.