Stefan Savides, FNSS

On July 17, 2024, Stefan Savides’ Tres Pescaderos was unveiled in Klamath Falls, WA.  The sculpture features three giant American white pelicans in a swimming position. Each sculpture weighs about 600 to 700 pounds and is about 16 feet in length from stem to stern. The sculpture is located in Klamath Falls Commons Park next to the existing water feature. “Tres Pescaderos was a particularly challenging project because of the design work of starting with a six-inch maquette that ends up with a 6-foot pelican,” says Savides. “It also is one of my most satisfying projects because I think that we provided the viewer with an insight into a slice of their personal lives. I like the energy that we created in this piece.” In addition to being a resident of Klamath Falls for the past 30 years, Savides’ has created several sculptures for the town including two Western grebes at Putnam’s Point; a bronze eagle in front of the Favell Museum; a flying pelican at the end of Main Street; a red band trout and heron perched on a flower box at Sugarman’s Corner Park; and a hawk on a tower at the Sky Lakes roundabout on Campus Drive.  Savides is currently working on a 10-foot bronze eagle to be placed at the Homedale/Southside Bypass in the northwestern town.