Emily Bedard Appointed as White House Historical Association Next-Generation Ambassador
NSS Elected Member Emily Bedard has been appointed to the White House Historical Association as one of their Next-Generation Ambassadors. The White House Historical Association is a private, nonprofit, and nonpartisan educational organization founded in 1961 for the purpose of enhancing the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the Executive Mansion. As part of its 60th-Anniversary Celebration, the WHHA announced the launch of the Next-Gen Leaders Initiative. This inaugural group brings together young professionals from a wide variety of fields, bound together by a passion for history, civics, education, and the arts, for a year-long fellowship. Bedard is the Creative Director and Lead Sculptor at Foster Reeve Architectural & Ornamental Plaster in Brooklyn and the recipient of the 2016 Dexter Jones Award for Excellence in Bas-Relief from National Sculpture Society.