Heather Personett’s Augustus Saint Gaudens Bust Unveiled

Heather Personett’s bust of Augustus Saint Gaudens was unveiled in a special reception at the Salmagundi Club this February in Manhattan.  The club sponsored a competition for a sculptor to create a bust of an historical Salmagundi member in celebration of the art organization’s 150th anniversary.  Personett’s take on Augustus Saint Gaudens won the top prize of $10,000 for the fabrication of the bronze bust which will have an honored place in the Salmagundi library.  Nine other runner-up sculptors have their works on display at the Salmagundi including N.C. Wyeth by Kate Brockman, FNSS; William Chase Merritt by Susan Wakeen; Augustus Saint Gaudens by Zoe Dufour, NSS; and Augustus Saint Gaudens by Erik Ebeling. An artist’s panel moderated by Fine Art Connoisseur’s Peter Trippi titled “Sculpting Our Heroes” was held on February 16.  The exhibition of all the busts continues at the Salmagundi Club through April 30, 2023.