Joshua Koffman Unveils Diligence

In early October, NSS Fellow Joshua Koffman unveiled his bronze Percheron, Diligence, in Moorestown, NJ. The life-size bronze draft horse is appropriately installed in Percheron Park in the New Jersey suburb just outside Philadelphia, PA. The town has a long history with the workhorse when Moorestown naturalist and gentleman farmer Edward Harris II (1799-1863),  imported the animal from France in 1839.  Harris was struck by the strength, stamina, speed, spirit, and calm temperament of the Percheron horses that pulled the stage coaches (or diligences) that he made several importations of the French horses with the intent of improving the work horses in America.  Diligence (1839-1859) was Harris’ first stallion and his lineage continues in the Percherons bred in America today. Located at the intersection of Main and High streets, Percheron Park features a low brick wall at the street corner with some surrounding plantings, benches and stamped concrete with hoof prints.  Diligence was 10 years-in-the-making and weighs over 2000 pounds. On hand for the unveiling were several members of Koffman’s family and Friends of Percheron Park who helped raise money for the sculpture.