Lyme Academy

The mission of the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts is to teach the foundational skills of drawing, painting, and sculpture in the figurative tradition. By its commitment to training students in these skills and an engagement with contemporary discourse, the Academy will empower a new generation of artists. Through its programs, the Academy is committed to enriching the cultural life of the community.

This 2023 summer, sculptors Stephen Perkins and Alicia N. Ponzio, FNSS will teach workshops at the Academy. Ponzio is also joining the Academy as visiting faculty. She says, “I’m looking forward to the launch of Lyme Academy of Fine Art’s core sculpture curriculum with great anticipation. I believe this program will be comprehensive, well designed, and far reaching. The course will be structured and focused, while at the same time encouraging exposure to a broad range of ideas in sculpture and art. In addition to figure modeling, drawing, composition, art history and anatomy will be keystones. Students will gain valuable experience with the physical skills of creating sculpture in both casting and carving. I’ll be thrilled to be working alongside the team already assembled at Lyme not only in sculpture, but in the incredible drawing and painting programs. The campus and location are ideal; and I believe the individual instructors and staff will support this exciting vision.”

For further information about the Core Program, as well as other Academy classes and offerings, please visit: