Opening Reception — Herron School of Art + Design

On Wednesday, November 8, the Figurative Sculpture Invitational opened in the Marsh Gallery at the Herron School of Art + Design in Indianapolis, IN.  The show features the work of NSS’ Midwest Sculpture Ambassador Community and is a group exhibition of present and past sculptors who have drawn their inspiration from the human and animal figurative form. Artists included in the show:  Gabriel AkreAusten BrantleyEmily Caito, NSSTim Cooper; Jacob E. Dobson, NSSMarshall Fredericks, FNSS (1908-1998)Brent HarrisCharles HydePreston Eugene JacksonTuck Langland, FNSSMara MilanDora Natella, FNSS (1956-2023)Michael RubackDavid K. Rubins (1902-1985); and Jeffrey and Anna Koh-Varilla, FNSS.