Toby Mendez, FNSS

On October 14, NSS Fellow Toby Mendez unveiled his portrait of fly fisherman legend, Bernard “Lefty” Kreh in Frederick, MD.  Over 200 people gathered on the banks of Culler Lake in Maryland’s Baker Park to witness the dedication of the sculpture memorializing the man whom many consider to be the greatest fly angler of the 20th Century.  The bronze depicts Kreh standing mid-thigh in waiters having just cast his lure into deeper water.  Kreh was the author of many books including one titled Fly Fishing in Salt Water; he designed and taught a course on fly fishing; and he earned numerous national awards for his fishing. His technique was unique, and it served to open the door for others to join the field of fly fishing. “We hope,” Mendez said, “that the way that it’s placed in the landscape will engage visitors to Baker Park and draw them in.”